Remembering those who died at work

Piper Hugh Ward at the gates of SummerleePiper Hugh Ward at the gates of Summerlee
Piper Hugh Ward at the gates of Summerlee
North Lanarkshire Trade Union Council (NLTUC) hosted the 9th International Workers Memorial Day event at Summerlee Heritage Park.

This day is held to remember those workers who died while at work, and over 20 wreaths were laid by politicians and trade unions to pay their respects to those who had lost their lives, as piper Hugh Ward played a lament.

A host of speakers included North Lanarkshire provost James Robertson and council leader Jim Logue, Philip Boswell MP, STUC president Helen Conner and Bakers, Food and Allied Worker Union regional organiser Mark McHugh who represented all affiliated unions to NLTUC.

NLTUC holds monthly meetings open to trade union members to help support the North Lanarkshire community.