Parent angry at lack of road safety cover

Safety concernsSafety concerns
Safety concerns
The removal of a lollipop man from a primary school is an accident waiting to happen - according to one angry parent with a son there.

Landscape gardener John Wilson’s six-year-old son attends Busby Primary School and he is concerned that the removal of ‘Tom’, as he is known to parents, will compromise the safety of children on the busy Fields Road.

The 40-year-old said he understands East Renfrewshire Council is replacing the school crossing patrol officer with a pelican crossing.

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He said: “It is just a joke. It’s an accident waiting to happen. This road is far too busy for this. There are big lorries that use it and kids feel safe when there is a lollipop man there.”

Mr Wilson, who lives about 10 minutes from Busby Primary, usually walks his son to school, but said many of the older children go on their own.

He added: “I just want the council to keep the lollipop man there. There are quite a few parents who feel strongly about this. It is kids’ safety we are talking about.”

A spokesperson for East Renfewshire Council said: “Busby Primary is very pro-active on the topic of road safety. Some of the school’s senior pupils also take on the role of junior road safety officers to help promote safety around roads to their peers.

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“Other ways that the school highlights the topic include identifying safe places to cross a road and learning how to walk to and from school carefully and safely.

“When the new lights are switched on the school will be fully committed to making sure children know where to cross the road and know how to use the pedestrian crossing so it becomes part of their usual road safety routine while coming to and from school.

“This will also be the topic of an upcoming assembly. We are aware of the requests for a lollipop person and are looking at options for this.”